Friday, May 15, 2009

Anyone Know what day I'm on?

I'm embarrassed. I've been too busy to do anything related to internet marketing let alone update this blog. Nothing new since the last post except one article i managed to squeeze out this morning. I've got to get to work now and I'm going out tonight so that'll be it for today. Take it one day at a time i long as I do everything on the list it doesn't matter how quickly I get it done...Or does it? I'm still a noob.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day Six - busy busy busy...

Hey everyone. I had one article go live yesterday and it's been viewed 23 times so far, but I wanted to change the anchor text in one of my links so it has to go back through the review process. Probably not even worth it, but it was bothering me. I just checked back at EZA and the other article I wrote just went live moments ago so that's good. I'm still way behind on everything and I've been busy with school and work. I haven't been able to find the time to get much done but hopefully tonight I'll be able to sit down and bang out a few more articles. I did find some time to work on my landing page and add some images to it to fill some white space. I was planning on writing a couple articles this morning but I spent the time instead writing a cover letter and rewriting my resume for a job I'm applying to. Hopefully if all goes to plan I won't need the job in a year, but for now...I need it bad. I might update later on tonight or I might just wait till tomorrow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day Five

Had class this morning and now I've got to run to work till 9 and then probably heading to the movies after that so no real time today to get anything done. Classes end next week however, and that will allow me to focus a lot more time on this. Google Analytics says that I've had one hit to my landing page today from yahoo answers, but clickbank is saying I've had 4 clicks to my referral link so I'm not sure who to believe. I checked the status on the two articles I submitted to ezinearticles and they're still in the first stage of review so it might be a while before they're live. I'm working tomorrow and will probably have to do some work around the yard but I hope to get a couple more articles done tomorrow as well.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day Four

OK it's day four and I'm beginning to realize the actual workload that is required in this business. Most of the work could be outsourced, but for the sake of this blog and for my own reasons, I'm attempting to do everything on my own without spending any money at all. For those of you wondering what work I am referring to, it is article marketing. The checklist I am working from require me to write 3 articles a day for a total of 25 days. I just finished my first article today. I consider myself a good writer and I'm sure I'll become better and faster at writing these articles as time goes on, but for now I just don't see 75 articles happening before the 30 days is up so I am going to shoot for 50. I'm also very busy with school right now and finals are fast approaching so I will be unable to focus all of my efforts on article writing, but I think I'll be able to pull off 50 articles. If I do, I'll be satisfied and ready to move on to my next campaign. Anyway...I'm going to get back to work and try to bang out another article before I have to begin preparing for tonight's presentation at school.

update: Succeeded in banging out 2 decent articles today and now I'm working on my school work. Later tonight I might try to get a jump start on tomorrow's two articles or at least come up with some ideas for them. Hopefully when these two go live I'll start seeing some traffic to my landing page. I'm running google analytics on the page now but a lot of the hits so far have been from me editing it and checking up on it. I've been using Yahoo! Answers to plug my url when a question i'm answering falls into my niche and I've seen some traffic from that and 4 clicks through so far, but no sales.

Day Three

All school work today. got a few things done online but nothing noteworthy. bbl.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Day Two

I haven't heard back from the owner of the clickbank product I'm planning on marketing so I'm going to attempt to do some work on my landing page and get some articles written today. I've still got 2 weeks of classes and a week of finals to get through at school, but I should be able to juggle my school work and my part-time job while finishing all of the daily tasks laid out in the affiliate marketing plan without a problem. That is the beauty of this plan...there's a bit of work to be done in the beginning, but it only ends up being a few hours of work a day.

Update: Didn't finish everything on today's checklist. Social Bookmarking can eat up some serious time! I finished my landing page but I think I'll be tweaking it a bit more tomorrow. Still at $0 so far...actually, I think we will start off at -$50 instead. I only paid $20 for this guide, but supposedly it will cost $50 when it goes to clickbank. By starting at -$50, I plan on proving that the money will be made back if you follow this program properly. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day One!

Today begins my first day with the program. I can't say exactly what I'm doing because it would give away the system and that wouldn't be fair to it's creator, however I can tell you that I will be using to select a product to promote. I do not expect to see much in terms of results in the first 20 days or so, but after this I hope that my campaign continues to bring me sales for months to come.

Selecting a product to promote could be the hardest part of this whole thing for me. I have very strong morals and I can't promote a product that I don't believe in or that might be a scam. Sadly, many of the products others are promoting either lack original quality content or are just straight up scams. I'm going to contact the sellers of the items I'm considering and attempt to get a free copy to review before I decide what to promote. This way, I will know the content of what I am selling, I will know how to market it, and I will know that it is not a scam and is worth the price.